Sunday, 11 November 2012

Colouring & Skecthing

Some of my friends will ask me to show them my some of my sketching, and after I showed them, they'll keep asking me why I can sketch and colour my sketch untill it look so nice. But, they don't know how ugly my sketches was last time. I practice a lot using plenty of A4 paper. I can't even draw a nice human face, hand or body. So, I do believe in one thing, if you don't give up what you don't know, one day you can be successful!

For me, a pretty or nice sketch doesn't mean anything. The most important thing is your can create out what you sketch. Some people can't draw well, but they have other skills which that they are good in like sewing or eyes towards details. So don't simply judge a person if you don't know them. All of us are the same, still in the learning process till the end.

Do you know any famous designer's sketch? Local designers sketches which  I love are Eric Chong, Carven Ong & Lester Wong's sketch. If world famous design, I think Karl Lagerfeld, Valentino, Marc Jacobs & many more. Sometimes, I will go to Google to look for their sketch & try to understand what their sketch is and why can they easily get nice inspirations. Inspirations are just like Ghost, you can't see them being there and you don't know when they will come. You need to keep researching on Google or go somewhere to get your inspiration juice running. I tried asking some local designer why they can easily get inspiration when they create a whole collection for their fashion show. They just answer me this " Go for a travel to relax yourself. You will see lots of different things from your travel." I don't even believe at first but once I visited some country, I and maybe you will understand what these seniors in fashion designing are talking about. Relaxing doesn't mean we put a pause in our job, but merely take a break to draw in more inspiration in a way still working while relaxing!

So I gonna show some of my sketch which I had sketched before. If you feel it is ugly or need to give some comment, please leave them down ^^

Normally I will sketch and colour on my drawing paper, but after finishing them, I will scan them into my computer and then using Photoshop, to edit some nice effect and to make the colour more vivid! This is what I always do when I need to show my customer. If you follow my Instagram, you will get to see more of my sketches as I usually upload my sketches in there. 

So I'm gonna stop here. Any comment, please write them down. Thank you

~ The End ~